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lime juice 酸橙汁。

lime juicer

In a medium bowl , combine orange , grapefruit , scallions , tomatoes , remaining tablespoon each lime juice and olive oil , zests , salt and pepper , diced jalape ? o , cilantro and tomatillos . set aside 取一只中等的碗,放入橘子,柚子,大蔥和小西紅柿,剩下的一大湯匙的酸橙汁和一大湯匙橄欖油,鹽和胡椒粉,切片的墨西哥胡椒,芫荽葉和粘果酸漿,攪拌。

Add half teaspoonful of lime juice to one teaspoonful of the cucumber distillate and a few drops of geoflair s rose water . apply on the face and neck and leave on for 15 minutes 將半茶匙的青檸汁混和在一茶匙的純青瓜蒸餾水,再加數滴geoflair的玫瑰花水,用來敷面約十五分鐘,然后洗凈。

Fluff rice with a fork ; transfer to a shallow bowl . stir in lime juice and remaining tablespoon olive oil ; season with more salt and pepper . refrigerate until cool , about 1 hour 用叉子把米飯弄松;放入淺碗。撒入橙汁和剩下的橄欖油;用鹽和胡椒調味。放入冰箱一個小時以后即可食用。

Put the cracked ice into a highball glass . add the vodka and lime juice , stir and top with ginger beer . decorate with a lime slice and a lime rind spiral 首先將碎冰放入雞尾酒杯。隨后加入伏特加和青檸檬汁,攪拌均勻后用姜啤續杯。最后用切片好的青檸檬和切成螺旋狀的青檸檬皮裝飾。

Most cooking is done with fresh ingredients and frequently employs garlic or chillies with plenty of lime juice , lemon grass , or coriander 大多數的菜肴都是用新鮮的材料烹調而成,常佐以大蒜或拌有大量酸橙汁、檸檬草或芫荽等。

Mojito mash the mint and sugar together . add the ( dark or light ) rum and lime juice and pour over the ice 將薄荷及糖壓碎,入深蘭姆或白蘭姆,及萊姆汁,入冰。加蘇打至滿,以海波杯服務。

Mash the mint and sugar together . add the ( dark or light ) rum and lime juice and pour over the ice 將薄荷及糖壓碎,入深蘭姆或白蘭姆,及萊姆汁,入冰。加蘇打至滿,以海波杯服務。

In a shallow bowl , combine jalape ? o slices with 1 / 4 cup each of the lime juice and olive oil 取一只淺碗,放入墨西哥胡椒片、 1 / 4杯酸橙汁和1 / 4杯的橄欖油,攪拌。

Place ice in tumbler ; pour in brandy , lime juice and cordial . top with soda water 方法:將冰放入平底玻璃杯中,濾入白蘭地、檸檬汁和飲料,上端倒入蘇達水。

Water is used to affix sugar to the rim of a glass and lime juice is used to affix salt 在制作糖邊的時候使用水來潤濕,而鹽邊則使用青檸檬汁。

Stir - in fish sauce and lime juice to taste . garnish with coriander leaf and serve 加入適量魚露及檸檬汁。然后用芫荽葉點綴,即可上桌。

A tall iced drink made with liquor , such as gin , and lemon or lime juice 冰鎮果子酒由杜松子酒和檸檬汁或酸橙汁調制而成的一大杯冰鎮酒